Jan 012016
 January 1, 2016

Roger’s Birthday Celebration!

Posted by RE Coordinator

Posted on January 1, 2016

On Sunday, February 7, families are invited to join Rev Roger in celebrating his 55th birthday.

He is hosting a party at the Sacramento Central YMCA gymnasium for our UU kids and youth, with some game playing fun! Sport options include two or three of the following, depending on interest: soccer, basketball, dodgeball, bouldering rock wall and more.

Game playing 3:30-5:00 with snacks/celebration till 5:30 PM at 2021 W Street.

There is no charge, as Roger is hosting, but voluntary donations to YMCA Strong Kids Campaign are invited. Also, leadership is welcome for party refreshments/décor. Because this event is limited to 20 kids/youth and their accompanied adults – this party is limited to registered UUSS participants in Religious Education.

Please visit the Religious Education Welcome Table this weekend to sign up! For questions or to volunteer your time, please contact Miranda.


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