Jan 102019
 January 10, 2019

Sports Party for Kids at the YMCA

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on January 10, 2019

climbingHosted by Rev. Roger this Sunday, Jan. 13, 3:00-5:00 PM at the Sacramento YMCA. UUSS kids ages 5-14 will have options of dodgeball, soccer, basketball, a climbing wall, etc.    Please sign up on Sunday at the Religious Education & Family Ministry Table in the Welcome Hall–space is limited so registration is necessary, as is a parent/guardian waiver form (a YMCA requirement).

Even if you don’t have kids or grandchildren here, I welcome you to help with healthful snacks, and appreciate the donations made so far.

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  One Response to “Sports Party for Kids at the YMCA”

  1. We had about 16 kids, ages 5 to 14, at Sunday’s event in the gymnasium at the YMCA.
    Thanks to the parents and grandparents who brought them, to snack providers Don Thornberry, Kneece Camp, Isaac Gonzalez, Jon Peterson, and others.
    Thanks to Ashley and Dirk for helping out also, and to Nick, the young adult staffer at the YMCA who showed such enthusiasm and care in leading our kids (and adults) through several games).

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