Aug 212018
 August 21, 2018

UUSS to host Pot of Gold Conference

Posted by RE Coordinator

Posted on August 21, 2018

Pot of Gold

7th Annual Religious Education Conference
“Reimagining Sunday School”

With Rev. Sarah Gibb Millspaugh &

Kimberly Sweeney


Saturday, September 29, 2018

8:30am to 4:00pm at UU Society of Sacramento, CA.

Sponsored by the Pacific Central LREDA Chapter

All RE professionals and volunteers, UU ministers and lay leaders from the Pacific Western Region are invited to the 7th Annual Pot of Gold RE Conference, hosted by the Pacific Central Chapter of LREDA at the UU Society of Sacramento. Shared keynote presentation by Kim Sweeney, author of “The Death of Sunday School and the Future of Faith Formation” & Executive Director of Courageous Faith Consulting and the Rev. Sarah Gibb Millspaugh, Congregational Life Staff member in the Pacific Western Region. Wonderful meals, worship, keynote conversations, and workshops on skills and models for our educational ministries for children, youth, families and volunteer leaders. Nearby lodging at Larkspur Landing. Free and easy parking at UUSS. Sacramento accessible by Amtrak, airport, and Megabus. $50/person or $40/person for teams of 4 or more per congregation (incl. meals).

Rates go up after September 15, 2018.

Registration form & workshop schedule coming soon.

Questions? Contact us at .

Flyer link here: Pot of Gold 2018 (PDF)


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  One Response to “UUSS to host Pot of Gold Conference”

  1. Is there a website for this event showing the other talks or sessions? I’m not on board with the Death of Sunday School/all-ages-all-the-time Worship Service premise, since that would not go over well at our church.

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