Feb 082019
 February 8, 2019

A Success! UUSS Drive to Support Families Who are Refugees

Posted by Gina Guarneri

Posted on February 8, 2019

Remember the tables on the front patio urging contributions for families who are refugees living in our community? UUSS members were very generous. Meg Burnett was the lucky one who took the gifts to four of the families. She shared, “I was invited in by each family, shoes off before entering each spotless, modest apartment. I was warmly greeted as “Teacher” and offered tea which I accepted graciously. As we sat in the living room the glee of the children was not hidden by adult restrained manners. Their heartfelt ‘Thank you’ to UUSS generous members was repeated many times. The parents especially appreciated the gift cards, amounting to about $50 for each family member. The kids were ecstatic with gifts including clothing, games, puzzles, a stroller for baby and a computer tablet.” Since Meg is a teacher in the “Mommy and Me” English class she saw new shoes and warm clothes on  members of her class and their children.

Kim Marta was lucky enough to deliver our gifts to the fifth family, with two girls from Central America who are awaiting asylum. The girls received bike locks and helmets, all in pink “Hello Kitty” themes, as requested. Each girl was given $85 in gift cards. They were delighted!

Thank you all for your contributions!

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