Dec 122019
 December 12, 2019

Adopt A Family

Posted by Gina Guarneri

Posted on December 12, 2019

This year we are partnering with International Rescue Committee Sacramento to support six families recently settled in our area as refugees through our Adopt A Family Event. During 2019, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in Sacramento resettled nearly 800 refugees from countries such as Afghanistan, Ukraine, Syria and other distressed regions of the world. These families have escaped war and persecution in their home countries and undergone extremely difficult circumstances in order to reach the US and begin rebuilding their lives. Your contributions this holiday season not only provide families with greatly needed items, but lets them know that Sacramento cares about and welcomes refugees. RST team members will be at a table after service on December 15, 22, and 29 to share information and collect donations.

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  One Response to “Adopt A Family”

  1. I picked up an info sheet from your table today and promptly lost it. Sorry! Is there a way you can send me an email with items needed by the families?

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