Oct 202016
 October 20, 2016

Refugee Welcome Kits – Another Great Turn-Out!

Posted by Sarah Turner

Posted on October 20, 2016

Thank you so much to all who donated and helped to make our 2nd Refugee Welcome Kit Drive another success.  We raised nearly $1,200 in donations on Sunday which allowed us to complete a whopping 22 kits, along with an additional 5 partial kits, and pass on many extra items, including diapers, to the International Rescue Committee (IRC).  Below are a few photos from Sunday’s kit-making day.  It was very heartwarming to have our UUSS children assist with our “Welcome to the Neighborhood” greeting cards by drawing friendly pictures to include in the kits.

On collecting the Welcome Kits, IRC was thrilled by the huge generosity of our efforts as they are expecting 86 refugee families to arrive this week!  Thanks again for your generosity in making a difference to welcome refugees into our community with open hearts.

welcome-kits1 welcome-kits2 welcome-kits3

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  One Response to “Refugee Welcome Kits – Another Great Turn-Out!”

  1. Thank for all your good work! I hope we have more opportunities to do this again.

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