A Wonderful Life: Focusing on What Matters


A Wonderful Life: Focusing on What Matters

by Rev. Dr. Bonnie M. Dlott (Guest)

Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento

Sunday, December 16, 2018

December can be stressful, as we struggle to have the fun, festive, and fulfilling holidays we see portrayed in the media. Who has the time, energy, or budget to make all that happen? Our guest speaker has a new appreciation for the holidays, after a frightening health crisis in 2017. Join us today for her reflections on life, death, George Bailey, and angels. An East Bay native, Rev. Bonnie served our Napa congregation for eleven years, retiring for health reasons. Before being called to the ministry, she earned a doctorate in Biological Chemistry. She identifies as a nature mystic, finding the sacred in the natural world and in acts of kindness. She and her husband served many years as trainers of teachers for Our Whole Lives, the UU values-based sexuality education program; we offer OWL at UUSS. They have two adult children.

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