A Work in Progress


A Work in Progress

by Rev. Roger Jones and Rev. Lucy Bunch

Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Recognition of September Birthdays too!

Join us for our first service at 2425 Sierra Blvd. in 13 months!  Not every part of our expanded building will be finished when we move in.  Perhaps we have some adjustments to make and some bugs to work out in our use of it or its furnishings and equipment.

It’s a work in progress, as it will always be.  So are you!

Spiritually speaking, each one of us is a work in progress.  We gather in community to support one another in the search for growth, healing, purpose, and hope.

We strive to build a better world by working together.  On this day before Labor Day, let us encourage the work that is always unfolding in us and around us.

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