
121023_Lucy Bunch-1791


by Rev. Lucy Bunch

Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento

Sunday, December 11, 2022

pandoraCuriosity has been given a bad name by some of our ancient thinkers.   Consider Pandora who unleashed evil on the world when she opened the box, or Eve who ate the apple out of curiosity and brought down the Garden of Eden.   But what if we consider how curiosity can open our minds to new ideas and perspectives? Our December Soul Matters Theme is Wonder, and this Sunday we will wonder together how being curious may just chart an open-hearted future.


At 2:00 pm  – A Communion Open to All in the Spirit of Jesuscommunion-topaz

Led by Rev. Dr. Roger Jones with Bobbie Keill and pianist Kenneth Ma

Jesus of Nazareth was a prophet, healer, teacher and friend.  Famous for his boundary-breaking table fellowship, he is commemorated by the communion ritual, a simple sharing of bread and fruit of the vine.  You need not identify as Christian to participate or to find inspiration from this tradition.

On the second Sunday of Advent, all are welcome to gather in the UUSS main hall in the open spirit of Jesus to share silence, music, prayer, and a brief message—and to share communion together.

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