Finding Our Way to the Future


Finding Our Way to the Future

by Rev. Alex da Silva Souto (Guest)

Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento

Sunday, January 29, 2023

In the post-pandemic world, what is a possible future for UUism? Given the current crises and looming challenges in the world, what is a role for us as a liberal religious movement?

Our special sermon series continues with guest preacher Rev Alex da Silva Souto.  As an accomplished minister who is a relative newcomer to our faith, they will share their perspective on the strengths and weaknesses of Unitarian Universalism, and how they perceive our relevance in the future.

Rev. Alex da Silva SoutoRev. Alex da Silva Souto [they+Brown+Latinx] has been a person of the “in-between space” since birth and childhood in Brazil.  They are currently the minister of Sierra Foothills UUs in Auburn, where they remain a devoted social justice advocate, liturgical artist, and partner in the unfolding of the “Beloved Community.”    Rev. Alex is queer, genderqueer and an immigrant of color. Earlier in their career, Rev. Alex helped to lead the formation of the United Methodist Queer Clergy Caucus.

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