Leading in Love: A Time to Thrive


Leading in Love: A Time to Thrive

by Rev. Dr. Abhi Janamanchi (Guest)

Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Guest preacher Rev. Dr. Abhi Janamanchi, with Rev. Dr. Roger Jones and Rev. Lucy Bunch, Worship Associate Larry Boles; Music Director Keith Atwater, UUSS Choir, Pianist Irina Tchantceva
Rev. Dr. Janamanchi
In these times of crisis and challenge, what is needed from values-based community like ours? Reflecting on our UU heritage and our current vitality as a religious movement, Rev. Janamanchi brings us a message of courage and creativity. (A profile about him appears later in this issue.) Come for great music and an inspiring message to launch our Spring Stewardship Campaign. This is the time when members, friends and supporters of UUSS make pledges toward the mission and ministries of UUSS for the next budget year.

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