Love for this World: Unitarian Universalism and the Opportunity for a Global Commonwealth of Humanity in Balance with the Earth


Love for this World: Unitarian Universalism and the Opportunity for a Global Commonwealth of Humanity in Balance with the Earth

by Rev. Dr. Sheri Prud’homme (Guest)

Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento

Sunday, November 6, 2022

building lily pads amos leeAs humanity contends with continued climate breakdown and the mass migration of humans around the globe, we will have choices. We can build walls, defend borders with violence, lock people up, and let fear make us easy prey for fascist ideologies of all kinds, or we can create new ways of living together with one another and the Earth that honor the dignity and worth of all life, affirm self-determination with collective accountability, and creatively draw from the gifts of myriad humans to uplift us all.

What role can UU congregations play in empowering a generation of people with the spiritual and relational tools to meet this planetary moment? How can we develop the capacity to imagine and begin to create a global commonwealth of humanity living in just, compassionate, and sustainable communities in balance with the Earth?

Join us for this kickoff sermon of our yearlong series on the Future of UUism.

Sheri Prud’hommeDr. Prud’homme is assistant professor of religion and education at Starr King School for the Ministry and the parent of two teens.  She has a Ph.D. in history and theology from the Graduate Theological Union; her dissertation on eco-theology is focused on 19th century Unitarian minister Thomas Starr King’s use of Yosemite and the Sierra Nevada as sacred texts. At our UU seminary, she teaches liberal theologies, liturgy, religious education ministry, and congregational administration.  For nine years she was the owner and director of a preschool in Berkeley. She has served in religious education ministries for UU congregations in Oakland, Davis and Berkeley, and the Pacific Central District.  She is a founder and co-director of Chalice Camp, a UU summer day camp that has been running for over 18 years in the Bay Area and replicated in sites across the country (including UUSS).  We are thrilled to welcome her as the keynote preacher for our series on the Future of Unitarian Universalism.

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