Nourishing Natural Spirituality in Children and Ourselves


Nourishing Natural Spirituality in Children and Ourselves

by Rev. James Galasinski (Guest)

Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Spirituality is a naturally occurring phenomenon in all of us. It can begin around the ages of 4 and 5;in the second decade of life it begins to develop rapidly like everything else. People who cultivate a deep sense of spirituality tend to be less depressed, less likely to get involved in drugs, and less likely to engage in other risky behavior. We can spiritually nourish the children in our families and communities–and along the way nourish ourselves.

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Rev. James GalasinskiRev. James Galasinksi and his wife, Ulrike, have two young children. A native of Milwaukee and graduate of Meadville Lombard Theological School, Rev. James is the minister at the UU Church of Canton, NY, where the late Rev. Ted Webb had served a few decades before coming to Sacramento and where the Webb kids lived in the parsonage. James and Roger became friends at UUA General Assembly several years ago. Thanks to Zoom, his is their second carbon-neutral pulpit exchange since 2020.

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