The Discipline (and Gift) of Setting Time Aside
The Discipline (and Gift) of Setting Time Aside
by Rev. Dr. Roger Jones
Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento
Sunday, September 3, 2023
The gift of having time for rest, reflection, and renewal is a part of many traditions. In Judaism, keeping the Sabbath day is a Commandment! Time off is also a hard-won achievement of the American labor movement, which Labor Day celebrates. Rev. Roger will reflect on the gift of time and the challenge to set aside time. He will tell us his plans as we bid him farewell for a five-month sabbatical, which is a gift from this congregation to its ministers.
*Bring your backpack, briefcase, or lunchbox as we bless all who are beginning a new school year as students, teachers, or staff members in education (and give you a UU token to carry this year).
*9:30 a.m.: Labyrinth meditation in the meadow led by Rev. Lucy
*Before the service, light a candle and fill out a card of Joy, Sorrow, or Prayer.
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