The Serenity Prayer: Simple Words for Global Strife and the Struggle in Your Own Heart


The Serenity Prayer: Simple Words for Global Strife and the Struggle in Your Own Heart

by Rev. Dr. Roger D. Jones

Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento

Sunday, August 26, 2018

This powerful short prayer has been spread around the world by the 12-step Movement. Seventy-five years ago this summer, it was crafted for a Sunday service in a New England village by Reinhold Niebuhr. He was a pastor and theologian whose work on human morality and social sin has inspired Barack Obama and other leaders. Come reflect on this prayer crafted for uncertain times in the world and hard moments in our own lives. We welcome Ina Jun, our amazing pianist, back from her months away!


Audio times:
00:00 Reflection – Ginny Johnson
05:23 “One Prayer, Many Tongues” – various
09:10 Hymn without Words – the tune of “Amazing Grace”
10:43 Sermon – The Serenity Prayer – Rev. Dr. Roger Jones

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