Jun 052017
 June 5, 2017

Here’s the Video that we missed on Sunday

Posted by Rev Lucy

Posted on June 5, 2017

This past Sunday there was a video planned as part of the sermon, Nevertheless They Persisted.  Unfortunately our sound system wasn’t working and so the wonderful testimony by the Music director at the Portland UU church was missed.

Click here to watch this powerful testimony from De Reau Farrar.


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  3 Responses to “Here’s the Video that we missed on Sunday”

  1. Thank you for sharing this. It is helpful. I don’t want to remain oblivious and not notice.

  2. Joe and I are very appreciative of your sermon. Joe found it to be very revitalizing, personally. It was much needed. Thank you for spreading this awareness.

    • Thanks for your support.
      I am committed to raising awareness about racism. lets see what we can do together

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