Feb 102023
 February 10, 2023

Love in Action and this Sunday at UUSS

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on February 10, 2023

Our Soul Matters theme this month is the path of love.  “Love” is often perceived often as an expression of romantic attraction, friendly affection, reciprocal care, family connections, or devotion to a community.  It’s all that, and more. Dr. Martin Luther King wrote about agape, which is unconditional love for all human beings—what a UU Principle calls the inherent worth and dignity of every person.   This basic human dignity is what our idealistic Unitarian ancestors proclaimed.

As the Civil Rights Movement, the Movement for Black Lives, and women protesting in Iran and Afghanistan have shown with much courage, agape is the love which underlies nonviolent resistance.  It is love of self and others–and respect for the humanity of those who carry out oppression.

This agape love is a lot harder to feel than reciprocal care or friendship, isn’t it?  Maybe we don’t really need to feel it, however, just to act on it as an ethical value.   But acting on this value, at least for me, takes a lot of practice.

Some of the ways we practice agape love are by gestures of kindness and acts of service.  We bring love into being it by using empathy and showing a generous patience to others.  We can reflect on times when others have shown agape to us or to others and celebrate those moments as love in action.

This Sunday morning we will reflect on those times when we have received or witnessed love in action.  Our musicians and worship associates will show their love to all of us, and we’ll share in a ritual.

Please note that the crafts table for children (and others) will be on the right side of the sanctuary.  Adult family members are invited to sit in rows nearby.  If you find it hard to hear the service from that area, don’t hesitate to move to another area.  Please don’t feel self-conscious in doing so at any time.

After the service, lay leaders will host a reception to tell you about the many opportunities for service to the congregation and explain how things work here.  Volunteer service can help us learn ways to put love into action.  You’re invited to attend!

For all that you do and all that you are, I am blessed to be among you and grateful to know you.


Rev. Roger

Excerpted from the Weekly Message email of Feb. 10, 2023


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