Jan 202021
 January 20, 2021

Pastoral Prayer, Sunday before the Inauguration

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on January 20, 2021

Please join me now in a spirit of openness and intention for a time of prayer and silent reflection.

O Spirit of Life, be with us now and in the days to come. Bless us with courage and hope, endurance and strength, tenderness and love, joy and gratitude.  Amid every challenge and worry, let us remember to give thanks for the gift of life and the gift of every new day.

As the death toll mounts from the pandemic and new Covid-19 infections rise, we wonder how much sadness and fear we can hold.  We pray for the sick and for those who need them and love them.  We hold in our hearts: the health-care providers, care givers, and essential workers.  As we grieve the losses of loved ones from this disease or from any other cause, we give thanks for the support, reassurance, and kind words from others.  O Gentle Spirit, bless everyone with healing and strength and love.

As this nation continues to absorb the attack of terrorism against the U.S. Capitol, and as we enter each day with trepidation and uncertainty, we pray for the safety of our elected officials, civil servants, journalists, and all others whose work is dedicated to the common good. We pray for the safety of people of color, of migrants, of queer and trans people, and of all others at risk of white supremacy violence in the streets of this nation and in our social structures.  O Strong Spirit, bless all of us with resilience and courage.

As the Presidential Inauguration Ceremony approaches, let us remember the accomplishments of the historic elections in this nation last November and in Georgia last week.   Let us give thanks for all the volunteers, voters, election officials, and candidates. Let us pray for President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris.   O Merciful Spirit, protect them and keep them safe and healthy.  In these times of challenge and hope, give them strength and wisdom to carry out their duties faithfully.

On this holiday weekend honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Junior, remind us of the dangers and oppressions he led this nation to confront. Remind us of the bravery and perseverance he inspired in his generation and the courage demanded of us in every new generation.   O Loving Spirit, bless us with strength and hold us together in love.

As we enter a new day, and start a new week in this new year, give us the grace to count our blessings, to notice the beauty of the world, and to live one day at a time. Let us give thanks for new beginnings, and renewed possibilities this day and every day.

O Spirit of Life, bless us with gratitude and surprise us with joy.   So may it be, blessed be, and amen.

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