Prayer and Meditation from the service “See No Stranger” on Oct. 10
Posted by Rev Roger
Posted on October 16, 2021
The people in our Unitarian Universalist faith tradition have different beliefs about whether God exists or about how we might understand the nature of the Divine, the Spirit of Life, the Wellspring of Love in the world.
In our faith, we respect the spiritual traditions around the world, which of course provide a great variety of names for the Divine. And amid all this variety, we affirm that whatever Divine Spirit there may be, it embraces everyone, everywhere. It holds us all and holds us together.
Please join me for a few moments to recognize this embrace, this unity…
O Spirit of Life, O Wellspring of Love, renew us for this day and for the days to come. In our needs and our strengths as human beings, remind us that we are connected. In our occasions for celebration and our times of stress or sorrow, remind us that we are surrounded by people of goodwill.
O Spirit, receive our needs, our hopes, our gratitude, our good wishes, our joy. Hold us in love. And in the silence that follows now, renew our connections to one another, to you, and always to life abundant.
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