Apr 232023
 April 23, 2023

Renewing Ministry:  A Celebration of Co-Ministry

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on April 23, 2023

Sunday, April 30, 10:30 a.m.

Join us for a milestone in UUSS history as we gather to affirm the covenant made by Rev. Lucy & Rev. Roger and to celebrate their new positions as Ministers of Equal Standing at UUSS.

The Rev. Leslie Takahashi is president of the UU Ministers Association and our preacher. Her sermon for us is “A Sanctuary Called Community.” The Rev. Arvid Straube, a mentor and friend of both ministers, will give a charge to the ministers and a charge to the congregation.  The Rev. Vail Weller will bring greetings from the Unitarian Universalist Association and The Rev. Kate Kennedy (director of chaplain education at Sutter Sacramento) will offer a prayer for the occasion.  The Hon. Dan Myers is will be our Worship Associate and representative of the Committee on Ministry.  President Anara Guard will invite and lead the congregation in the words of affirmation of this co-ministry

We’ll have special music from “The Mission” by a UUSS ensemble.  The special offering will support the UUA’s Living Tradition Fund, which supports seminary students, ministers in a family or financial crisis, and retired ministers with financial need.

Sunday, April 30, 10:30 a.m., online and in person

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