Aug 292023
 August 29, 2023

Ritual of Commissioning of our Ministerial Intern for 2023-24

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on August 29, 2023

rosemary commissioning
Sunday, August 27, 2023

Rev. Lucy: Now is the time for a ritual to welcome Rosemary Dodd, and to commission her as our Ministerial Intern for this church year. She began in mid-August and will be serving till Mid-June. I would like to invite members of the Internship Committee to join us here on the chancel and for Rosemary to come forward.
Rev. Roger: Rosemary is a candidate for ministerial fellowship with the Unitarian Universalist Association. She has completed her chaplaincy training and received a Master of Divinity degree from Harvard Divinity School. Now she will serve in a full-time internship with our congregation. This is an opportunity both to serve in ministry in this congregation and learn while doing so. To help with some of Rosemary’s living expenses in Sacramento, UUSS will provide a modest stipend to her this year.
Committee Member: Good morning. I am Randy Webb. The UUSS internship committee this year includes Jim Eastman (chair), Alicia Taylor, Lisa Bunker, and Mimi Lewis, and me. Our committee will meet with Rosemary every month to provide support, offer feedback, and ask thoughtful questions about her experiences with UUSS. Today we are hosting a reception after the service, so we invite you to stay and welcome Rosemary, enjoy refreshments, and get to know others in the congregation.
If you are with us on Zoom today, you may post your name and your words of welcome in the chat at any time, and Rosemary will receive a copy later this week.
Rev. Lucy: Whether you are with us online or here in person, please rise as you are able to welcome Rosemary.  Please now join with me in speaking the words you see on the slide, in unison.

Congregation in Unison: Rosemary, we welcome you, and we commission you as our ministerial intern. As you open yourself to learning, we open ourselves to learning with you. For this church year, we invite you to serve in ministry here as a pastor, preacher, and prophet. In this community of all ages, we welcome you as an educator, organizer, leader, and spiritual companion.

Rosemary: I accept this role as your ministerial intern. I look forward to getting to know you as people of all ages, gifts, needs, and abilities. I seek to learn from this congregation in the months ahead as we serve together. I seek to share in your ministry of compassion and justice, worship and creativity, mutual care, and the celebration of life.

Rev. Roger: As your supervisors, Lucy and I are excited to learn with you and learn from you as we witness the gifts and the uniqueness of your own ministry. In conclusion, the congregation will speak together the words on the slide.

Congregation in Unison: Recognizing our responsibilities as a teaching congregation, we commit to support your ministry as you learn and grow with us. As you minister to us, help us to minister as we make real the promise of Unitarian Universalism. Help us to embody our shared values with courage. Blessings on your ministry!

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