Jul 282020
 July 28, 2020

“The Overstory” — sermon at UUSS by guest preacher this Sunday

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on July 28, 2020

at 11:00 a.m., August 2:

The Overstory: What do trees have to tell us about the human story? What might we learn from them?

Lucas HergertRev. Dr. Lucas Hergert, minister of the North Shore Unitarian Church in Deerfield, Illinois, will explore these questions with us today.  Rev. Lucas last preached for UUSS when Roger was installed  as settled minister in 2015.  He served the UU Church in Livermore for 8 years and was called by the Deerfield church two years ago.  A lifelong UU from Cincinnati, he has an M.Div. from Harvard Divinity School and Doctor of Ministry from Pacific School of Religion.

Rev. Lucas and Rev. Roger are doing a pulpit exchange today.  It’s fitting that our virtual preaching exchange has a very low carbon footprint!


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  2 Responses to ““The Overstory” — sermon at UUSS by guest preacher this Sunday”

  1. Thank you, Dave! I thought you might like it and am glad you did so much. I’ll pass along your thanks to my guest.
    Rev. Lucy has one coming up on birds this month. Not the Hitchcock ones, but the real ones!

  2. Wonderful sermon. As a Biologist I feel a strong bond between all life forms and this sermon spoke strongly to my beliefs.

    Thank you, Dave Newland

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