Mar 282020
 March 28, 2020

Virtual Coffee Hour!

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on March 28, 2020

Dear Friends,

In the midst of uncertainty, the anguish of being out of touch with loved ones, the extra energy necessary to create new habits and routines, and the stress of noisy households or of lonely ones, I want to tell you that it gives me strength and hope to know you are here.

As you can see at and our Facebook presence, UUSS folks are sustaining the congregation’s mission during this public health crisis. Rev. Lucy and I hope you are taking care of yourself and going easy on yourself. As UUA President Susan Frederick Gray has written: “There is no script for this crisis.” So, go easy!

We want to stay connected to you. Please join one of our Zoom events listed here including our Worship Services. Starting Sunday March 29 we are going to have a virtual coffee hour after church — bring your own coffee or tea! The Tuesday night service will have a format different from the one we use on Sundays.

Sunday, March 29, is Founders’ Day for UUSS. It was 152 years ago on that day that 17 families came together and founded the First Unitarian Church of Sacramento. We’ll mark that milestone and some of our special musicians will be with us once again.

Reach out to us for a visit whether by phone, email or Zoom. Rev. Lucy and I miss you. We’d love to hear how you are doing.

Yours in faith,
Rev. Roger

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