Mar 012015
 March 1, 2015

UU General Assembly Info

Posted by Lily Rosenblum

Posted on March 1, 2015

Hello All! This is from Jennica Davis-Hockett from the UUA.

As promised, here is the application for youth group grants for General Assembly. Some folks had a question about who qualifies as a youth to register for GA. Here is what will appear on the forms:

“Youth registration is open to all GA attendees who are high school aged. Youth registration requires all registrants to follow the participant covenant, and requires registrants under the age of 18 to obtain an adult sponsor. If you were in secondary school (high- school) or being home-schooled at the equivalent age during the year preceding GA (2014-2015 school year), then you are considered a Youth and may register as such. Youth registration is required for youth aged 15-17, and is optional for youth aged 14, or 18+.

Fourteen year-olds who have not yet entered high school (or the equivalent for home-schooled youth) may attend GA events with a registered parent or guardian (separate no-cost registration required) or enroll in one of the available Children’s Programs. Fourteen year-olds who have completed a year of high school (or the equivalent) should register as Youth.

High school aged attendees who are eighteen or older have the option of registering as adults and forgoing the lower youth registration rate. Eighteen year-olds who intend to participate in Youth Caucus programs should register as Youth.
If you have questions about whether or not you are eligible for Youth registration, contact the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries at or (617) 948-4350.”

Jennica Davis-Hockett  |  Leadership Development Associate  |  Youth and Young Adult Ministries

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