Aug 082015
 August 8, 2015

WUUKY 2015 Photos, Our Awesome Young UUs

Posted by Dirk

Posted on August 8, 2015

A few weeks back I got the honor to be an adult adviser at WUUKY. This is a gathering of UU youth, high school age and a little above, who gather once a year in the Mendocino Woodlands (they also meet other times in the year at churches). The youth lead the camp (as an adult it’s almost like a vacation!) and they always do an amazing job building an intentional community of love, honesty, and support. Here’s some pictures I took trying to include the youth from UUSS as best I could.

Check em out and leave a comment or question.
P.S. We always could use more adult volunteers :)


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  3 Responses to “WUUKY 2015 Photos, Our Awesome Young UUs”

  1. And no, we are not misspelling our favorite Star Wars character, we re referring to the amazing experience that is Western Unitarian Universalist Karmic Youth. WUUKY is a weeklong UU youth summer camp held in the Mendocino Woodlands.

  2. Great pix, Dirk! I know WUUKY is always a hit with the participants. Thanks for being there to help make it happen.

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