Nov 032022
 November 3, 2022

November is the Path of Change

Posted by Rev Lucy

Posted on November 3, 2022

November imageWelcome to Soul Matters November!

Our theme this month is the Path of Change.  You can explore this theme in our small groups, in religious education or at the Sunday services.   Remember if you didn’t sign up for a Soul Matters small group you can always come to the drop in group on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 6:30 PM.  This month we meet on the 9th and the 23rd.   Just click into the Zoom room at 

You can also explore the theme on your own with the materials posted here.

Have a great month.

Rev Lucy

Here is the introduction from Soul Matters headquarters to help jump start your reflections on the theme:

What if pushing is only half of it?
What if there is time to waste?
What if rushing is what got us into this mess?
What if catching our breath shrinks the clouds
and expands our view?

What if space for breathing
is what enables the seed of change to take root?
What if pausing allows the longing to grow?
What if it’s not about taking control of life,
but being quiet enough to hear life speak?
What if slowing down is what allows us
to notice we’re not the only ones who long for change?

And what if catching our breath isn’t about resting up,
but the way we finally and fully feel our pain?
What if the quiet is what enables us to notice
how uncomfortable this life of comfort has become?
And what if comfort has been withheld from us?
Wouldn’t that mean that rest is a revolutionary act,
allowing us to combat a culture that works to keep us tired, and numb?

What if, in the end, it is silence that allows us to hear
the still small voice inside
that says,
“We can no longer wait!”

* November change – Materials for Individual Reflection (PDF) *

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  2 Responses to “November is the Path of Change”

  1. Where is December’s material? I would like to Zoom in next week, but would like to have the material first. Thanks

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