Stewardship / Annual Pledging

Stewardship / Annual Pledging
A Message from Your Stewardship Committee

Our annual pledge drive begins on April 7, 2024. We are grateful for your past generosity and we hope to receive a new financial commitment from you to fulfill our mission: We come together to deepen our lives and be a force for healing in the world. Your annual financial pledge allows us to experience meaningful worship services each week, work toward a more just world, and sustain our community. Our theme this year is…* click to read rest *
Your generous pledge makes all this possible and more! Our mission, which states that we “come together to deepen our lives and be a force for healing in the world,” guides us as we strive to make a positive impact in our community and our own lives.
Our many UUSS groups provide opportunities that align with our mission:
* Click to Explore Our UUSS Groups *
Your pledges support our Paid Ministers & Staff
- Reverend Dr Roger Jones, Co-Minister
- Reverend Lucy Bunch, Co-Minister
- Rosemary Dodd, Ministerial Intern
- Krystal Gollaher, Administrative & Facilities Coordinator
- Elaine Cooper, Office Receptionist
- Debrah Olsen, Bookkeeper
- Crystal Fountain, Religous Education & Child Care Coordinator
- Anthony Tavianini, Music Director
- Dr. Irina Tchantceva, Pianist
- Dirk Tuell, IT & Website Support
- Zoom & AV Team: Joe, Toby, Abi
- Chuck, Custodian
- Kelvin, Custodian
Stewardship Updates
Getting and Filling In the Annual Pledge Form
The Pledge Form is now available in several ways:
- An online form
- A downloadable form you can print and fill-in (PDF)
- A paper form is available at church or by mail.
Payments are Tracked and Kept Confidential
Staff and lay leaders who manage UUSS finances keep all pledges confidential, regardless of pledging or payment method. Members and friends who make annual pledges and other donations receive quarterly updates. An annual summary of tax-deductible contributions is sent to each member making pledges or other donations.