Apr 242024
 April 24, 2024

A Message about the Pledge Drive from Anara Guard, UUSS President

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on April 24, 2024

Anara-GuardIn Roger’s sermon on April 7, he spoke of how a friend in another church had said that pledging generously helped her to feel more connected with her congregation, rather than waiting to feel a strong connection first. “As we give more generously, we can deepen our sense of belonging,” she said.

I also have found this to be true, and that the sense of commitment is a door that swings both ways. After I first increased my pledge, I felt more committed to UUSS.

And, as my sense of community has grown and deepened over the years, the choice for me to increase my giving is easier, more natural. It feels only right.

UUSS has become an integral part of my life: a place that hones and amplifies the ways in which I contribute to social justice causes; a community of friendship and support; a spiritual home; a hub of activities.

Nearly every Sunday I leave my home with arms laden: books to donate to the Beacon Bookstore, travel toiletries for the Mercy Pedalers, some item I’m lending to a friend or one I am returning to another.

And although I may return home with empty arms, my heart is filled with gratitude. I hope you will join me in feeling the abundance that comes with giving generously.

, UUSS Member and Board President

Learn more, and please make your pledge today, at uuss.org/pledge.

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