Mar 312024
 March 31, 2024

Committed, Loving, Generous

Posted by Deirdre Downes

Posted on March 31, 2024

s24-logo-white-for-postsOur 2024-2025 Pledge Drive Begins April 7 and Ends April 21

Committed, Loving, Generous—that is what we strive to be as a congregation. The annual pledges of financial support by our committed, generous members make that a reality. Each year, we spend several Sundays reminding you what’s great about UUSS and why we depend on your commitment of financial support to fund our budget over a 12-month period. During the pledge drive, we ask each household to make a written pledge of the financial support you plan to give for the coming year.

We ask that you submit a new pledge each year, even if you have an automatic withdrawal for your current pledge.

This year we have a special request. Our goal is to raise wages and salaries for all UUSS staff and ministers to meet the current minimum compensation levels recommended by the UUA. Our staff and ministers deserve fair and equitable compensation for their hard work. We need to increase our annual budget by 15% to meet !this goal. To this end, we will be asking each of you to increase your pledge this year.

Thank you for your commitment, love, and generosity – Your Stewardship Team

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