Mar 312022
 March 31, 2022

Look How We’re Doing with Stewardship Pledging!

Posted by Deirdre Downes

Posted on March 31, 2022

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Thanks to the generosity of our congregation, we have already reached about 33% of our goal for pledges for the upcoming 2022-2023 budget year! This year, our goal is to have 100% of our member families make a pledge. So rest assured, every pledge matters, no matter the amount.

If you have made a pledge, be sure to pick up your Pledge logo sticker (for your name tag) at the Stewardship table on Sunday. If you prefer to submit a paper pledge, you can pick up and/or turn in a form on Sunday at the Stewardship table.

Please submit your 2022-2023 pledge by Monday, April 11, by one of these methods:

  • Fill out the form by going to the UUSS pledge webpage
  • Call our Bookkeeper, Michele Ebler, at

Every pledge of support is valued and appreciated. Thank you for making a difference!

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