Apr 022018
 April 2, 2018

Rev. Roger Repossessed!

Posted by J Lopes

Posted on April 2, 2018

Urgent pledge update! Rev. Roger wheeled away by the Repo Man last Sunday! We urgently need all Pledgers to turn in their pledge forms to get Rev. Roger out of hock! Until we do, you can hear his sermons at the Sac Midtown Pawn Shop & Taxidermy Studio.

LOL – Another one of Roger’s famous April Fool jokes! But it’s no joke that we need all who care about UUSS to turn in their pledge forms. Even if you just continue your pledge from last year, Michele, our bookkeeper, asks the we plead with everyone to fill out a new form to help keep all her books straight and orderly.

Your annual pledge helps us plan our budget for the church year and keeps everything running smoothly. Pledge Now! Forms are available for download on the website or in the church office.

Many thanks to those who have already submitted their forms!

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