Apr 122020
 April 12, 2020

Thank you for Leading in Love!

Posted by Deirdre Downes

Posted on April 12, 2020

Stewardship Update: Our beanstalk has ANOTHER new leaf! As of April 10, UUSS has received monetary pledges of support totaling 71% of the Stewardship goal. Thank you!

Every day, more Pledge Forms arrive in the mail at UUSS. Just as we are finding ways to connect with each other to lift our spirits while keeping a safe distance, members, friends and other supporters are making their pledges of support for the people, programs and mission of UUSS. Thanks for Leading with Love.

These are uncertain times, to say the least. We know some folks are uncertain about their sources of income in the coming fiscal year. Others among us may be fairly confident about their sources. Please know that making your pledge now would mean a great deal in reducing uncertainty for our Board of Trustees as they budget for 2020-2021. Also, please remember that a pledge can be revised during the year, either down or up, if circumstances change. Please know that your support makes a difference at every level.

If you are able, please make your own pledge today.
You can print out a pledge form and mail it to:

UUSS, 2425 Sierra Blvd, Sacramento CA 95825

Or you could email our bookkeeper letting her know the amount you would like to pledge for 2020-21. Thank you!

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  One Response to “Thank you for Leading in Love!”

  1. Thank you Stewardship Team!! Your job is tough under the best of circumstances. You are doing a fabulous job in very trying times. Cheers to you! And to the Congregation!

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