Feb 282016
 February 28, 2016

UUSS pledge drive is underway

Posted by John Abbott

Posted on February 28, 2016

by David Paul, Stewardship Team

2016 – 2017 Pledge Drive

The UUSS pledge drive is underway so let’s keep the momentum going!

With the drive in full swing, this may be a good time to reflect on not only your contribution but to reflect on what UUSS means to you. Your pledge keeps our home operating and provides UUSS with the ability to continue the many great programs we’ve been accustomed. Whether it’s our staff, Sunday services, religious education, adult enrichment, Theater One (just to name a few), or simply keeping our facility running, your contribution is critical to the continued life and success of UUSS.

Pledges account for 75% of our total funding at UUSS. So that we can provide the funds needed to continue our programs and reward our staff, the UUSS Board of Trustees has established a goal to increase pledges by 10% for 2016-2017 over the current year. This increase may sound daunting to some but please keep in mind how important your pledge is to UUSS. We want to keep building on our success and we hope you do too.

UUSS members will contact some members by phone or through personal contact. Beginning with the pledge drive kick-off on Sunday, February 28 through March 2016, the UUSS Stewardship team will be available before and after Sunday services to answer questions about pledging. At that time we’ll be happy to receive your pledge too. For more information, please refer to the letter and pledge form you probably received in the mail.

We appreciate your generosity and continued support of UUSS.
The Stewardship Team

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  One Response to “UUSS pledge drive is underway”

  1. Thanks, Team! By the way, anyone can see and print the operating budget PLEDGE FORM at this link: http://www.uuss.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Pledge-Card-2016-17-02112016.pdf

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