Apr 062017
 April 6, 2017

April 1st was no Fool’s Joke

Posted by Karen Sparrow

Posted on April 6, 2017

April Fools Day at Saturday Stitchers

Hard at work and deep in concentration-

April 1 2017 A

L-R  Dianne (knitting) Fran (counted x-stitch) & Molly (hand sewinging)

and Nina in the back (quilting)

Serious Discussions were had-

April 1 2017 B

L-R  Ginny and Meagan both working on knitting projects

Lessons were Learned –

April 1 2017 C

L-R Nina teaching Rashima the basics of “Quilt as You Go”

OK there were a couple of April Fools –

April 1 2017 D

L-R Meagan and Lilly showing their fondness for pictures being taken.

A Project was Finished –

April 1 2017 E

Karen finished another quilt for donation to the “Linus Project”

Easter is fast approching!

April 1 2017 F

Nina created a fabulous quilted table runner for her Easter table.

Won’t you join us in May and share the fun?

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