Jun 292020
 June 29, 2020

Saturday Stitchers and Crafters celebrate the 4th of July

Posted by Karen Sparrow

Posted on June 29, 2020

Saturday Stitchers 2 4 17 groupThis Saturday, July 4th  10 AM to Noon

Saturday Stitchers and Crafters meets on Zoom (see Link below)

Ginny and I invite you to spend some time with us on Saturday. Connect and reconnect. Share with others your joys and/or frustrations.

Tell us how you have been “handling” these months of confinement.
NOTE:  This is our link for future events through 12 2021 if so needed.

Join Zoom Meeting

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/ 87993707268?pwd= cUdId0xLNnNISytxemM3VjV4a3Y5UT 09

Or you can manually dial in using:

Meeting ID: 879 9370 7268

Password: 730774

As we enter the 4th month of separation in this ever changing world we now have I would like to share a “bit” of crafting wisdom.
This week I received an email from a quilter/teacher I follow on YouTube  Kim at Chatterboxquilts.com.

I am sharing a portion of her email with my own edits:

…”As you know I am a strong believer in making investments in quilting crafting. These investments are not just money but also your time and health (mental and physical). Quilting Crafting is therapeutic. It focuses your mind on something positive, it has a clear outcome, and it results in something you can give away (if you wish) to brighten someone else’s day…”

I don’t know about you but being separated from most of my world I need all the help I can get!  Do not forget you can also learn a new craft. Youtube.com is full of opportunities. I personally recommend Skillshare.com  This is not a free site but for a minimal fee you can expand your horizons by leaps and bounds.

Karen and Ginny

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  One Response to “Saturday Stitchers and Crafters celebrate the 4th of July”

  1. I love your photo and am with you in spirit as you create your special projects.

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