Saturday Stitchers and Crafters This Saturday
Posted by Karen Sparrow
Posted on March 29, 2020
It hardly seems like a month since the Auction day but come this Saturday it will be just that!
Wow. To some it might feel like a year.
Our dear Terrie Taylor has offered to host a socially appropriate – 6 feet apart – meeting in her backyard.
If you have not seen her back yard it it is a lovely one in the fair city of Carmichael. Lots of fresh air.
Predictions for Saturday are high’s of 70 and sunny.
Join us: Saturday, April 4th, from 10 – 1pm (or whatever time suits you best)
Join us at
Terri Taylor’s
6101 Woodhaven Ave
Carmichael, CA 95608
Look for the Saturday Stitchers sign on the front porch.
I am bringing some store purchased treats and Terrie is supplying iced tea and lemonade for us.
If you are not comfortable eating communal food please bring a snack bag for yourself.
There will be tables and chairs a plenty – Although an RSVP back to ME (Please do not reply all) gives us an idea of how many to set up.
We will be talking about making masks, either for ourselves and loved ones, or to donate to medical centers.
Terrie also has supplies if you want to Rock Paint (always a fun hobby) so bring a nice paintable rock or assist her in painting flowers on her fence.
There will be power available if you need it.
Please RSVP, again, just to me, by Friday at noon if you are ABLE to attend.
No RSVP needed if you are declining.
As always – Keep Calm, Stay the Course and Sew on!
Karen Sparrow
818 510 2337
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