Feb 062017
 February 6, 2017

Saturday Stitchers is growing!

Posted by Karen Sparrow

Posted on February 6, 2017

We are growing every month. More and more enthusiasts are joining in the fun.

Saturday Stitchers 2 4 17 group

Two new additions to the group! Judy and Megan.

New Visitor being introduced around

New Visitor being introduced around. Welcome Rahima.

Great Group!

Group shot of the room and it’s activities.

Lilly working on her quilt.

Lilly working on her quilt.

Lily and her completed quilt.

Lily and her completed quilt.

Thank you Susan C for these additional pictures!

ss 2 4 17 c

L-R Molly, Rahima, Susan, Laurie; Foreground: Nina

ss 2 4 17 a


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  2 Responses to “Saturday Stitchers is growing!”

  1. Great group. Keep going til I have an opportunity to join in the future.

  2. Wow Lily, nice job!

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