Jun 042020
 June 4, 2020

Introducing monthly Theology on Zoom

Posted by Karen Sparrow

Posted on June 4, 2020

The TOT team has elected to begin holding a monthly ZOOM Theology on Tap on the First Friday of each month.
Everyone is welcome to attend this discussion.Please note we are discontinuing the weekly TOT zoom meetings and replacing them with this monthly gathering.
You will continue to receive email invites, but, you can record or store this zoom information as it is valid through the end of the year.

Tomorrow’s Topic:
From Lucy’s Sunday service:
1. How are you sowing the seeds of change?
2. How are you tending the fires of UUSS?

We will join the Zoom rooms on or about 7:10pm
​Join Zoom Meeting
 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/ 81458216945?pwd= QkwycitvOHhwZU40Ni9vaHVZRE5MQT 09

Or you can enter the following into the Zoom app:

Meeting ID: 814 5821 6945  Password: 711332​
​See you then

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