Apr 302020
 April 30, 2020

May Day and TOT

Posted by Karen Sparrow

Posted on April 30, 2020

This Friday Theology on Tap links up again with Zoom

Join us at 7pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 963 7784 2397
Password: 617662


7-7:15 Meet up

7:16 – 7:50  1st Small Group

7:55 – 8:15 Regroup into 2nd small group

8:16 Return to main room and close meeting

Zoom Etiquette
Many of us are on regular Zoom meetings these days. If you don’t want to be that person who makes the meetings difficult for everyone else please consider the following Zoom etiquette:
Don’t be a Zoom bore – balance your contribution to that of others.
Make friends with the mute button. Use it when you are not speaking. This will minimize the impact of other sounds in your environment (such as barking dogs) .
Use standard meeting courtesy – don’t interrupt. It can be particularly disruptive on Zoom.
For small groups turn on your video unless there is a really good reason to have it off. You will not be fully engaged in the meeting otherwise. Sorry if you are having a bad hair day – wear a hat. We are all having a bad hair day.


Join us

John, Christopher, Taylor, Karen and Hally

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