Apr 032018
 April 3, 2018

Read a good travel book and join us on Tuesday, 4/24…..

Posted by Roger Olson

Posted on April 3, 2018

at 7:00pm to discuss Blue Highways by William Least Half Moon. 51RupujsryL._SX327_BO1,204,203,200_The author describes his solo road trip around America traveling only state highways(no interstates) meeting lots of very kind, interesting people and eating local diner food. We think you will enjoy the skillful writing, the apt descriptions, the colorful characters, and the “philosophizing.” All are welcome–see you then!

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  2 Responses to “Read a good travel book and join us on Tuesday, 4/24…..”

  1. Hi, I’ve been looking at checking out this book club so I’ve bought the book and will see you on the 24th. Where at your location does the book club meet?

    • We’re glad you’re coming to our next meeting. We meet in the library off the Welcome Hall at 7pm. See you soon!

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