Feedback or Problems with the New Website
Feedback or Problems with the New Website
Give us input at or call the lead web designer Dirk at anytime.
There are four types of input we need:
- Problems and bugs. What did we miss? See the “Oops List” on this page. Anything you find will be corrected as quick as possible. Even if it’s something tiny (
mispelledword) please let us know! - Sincere criticism. What bothers you about the site? If you have an alternative suggestion or a solution feel free to tell us. All suggestions or criticisms will go through a process of review.
- Positive feedback. What do you like about the site? Encourage us!
- Feature or content request. Something you’d like to see on the site? Something you wish you could do with the site?
And please, give us your feedback directly. If you tell one of our ministers or someone in the office your problem then they have to communicate (or possibly mis-communicate) your input and then we have to figure out how to contact you if we need more information. So please let us know directly!
The Oops List
misspellings or grammar
broken links
something missing
broken image
broken functionality
looks funky on a certain device