Oct 142022
 October 14, 2022

Poetry with JoAnn Anglin, Monday, Oct. 17

Posted by Judy Lane

Posted on October 14, 2022


Join JoAnn for Lectio Divina on Monday, October 17, via Zoom: uuss.org/online, at 10:00 a.m.
JoAnn writes:  In this coming Monday’s poem, the poet David Tomas Martinez takes us back many decades, to when “duck and cover” drills were common in our schools. Do you remember? He calls his poem Us vs Them. Do you think this sounds like an old Halloween tale? Or do you think the modern news may now feel something like an echo of those days?  See what comes to you. You can find the poem at: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/58046/us-vs-them

As usual, you can join our gathering by going to our UUSS website and entering the same way you would attend a Zoom Sunday service at uuss.org/online.

Remember that you have three opportunities to enjoy poetry each month — 1st and 3rd Monday mornings, and 2nd Tuesday evenings, all on Zoom at uuss.org/online

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