Apr 282023
 April 28, 2023

Reading Poetry: Monday, May 1st

Posted by Judy Lane

Posted on April 28, 2023


JoAnn writes:  This coming Monday, May 1st, our 10:00 AM Zoom gathering will feature the poem Palimpsest, by George Bilgere. It might remind you of the William Faulkner saying that “The past is never really past.”  History has a way of seeping into our modern lives, even if it takes a slightly different form, in a somewhat different context. You can see his poem at: https://www.rattle.com/palimpsest-by-george-bilgere/

You are welcome to join our friendly discussion by going to our UUSS website at uuss.org/online on Monday.  Just enter the group the same way you would attend a streaming Zoom Sunday service.

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