Jun 042021
 June 4, 2021

Reading & Reflecting on Poetry with JoAnn Anglin, Monday, June 7

Posted by Judy Lane

Posted on June 4, 2021


Join JoAnn and friends at 10:00 a.m. for this Adult Enrichment class that takes place on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month.  Access to our discussion is the same as for Sunday services.  Find us at uuss.org/online

The next poem is “Try to Praise the Mutilated World”, by recently deceased Polish poet Adam Zagajewski. It can be found online here

More poetry news: Tom Goff placed first in the 2021 prestigious Robinson Jeffers’ Tor House poetry competition. The prize includes an honorarium of $1,000. Tom’s winning poem, “Blind Tom’s Battle of Manassas”, was first among some 1,350 poems from 41 states, Canada, Iceland, Japan and Mexico. You can read it here.  Tom has been working for some time on a series of poems related to music and musicians.  He is a teacher, poet, and skilled trumpet player. He has often been one of the musicians at our Sunday service and frequently plays with local orchestras. I had the honor of joining him and his artist-wife, Nora Staklis (also a poet), in co-hosting a monthly series, PoemSpirits, here at UUSS almost 20 years ago.

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