Feb 182023
 February 18, 2023

Reading, Responding to Poetry: Monday the 20th

Posted by Judy Lane

Posted on February 18, 2023


JoAnn writes:  This Monday, February 20, our 10:00 AM Zoom Lectio Divina gathering will feature the poem “Among the Baby Bok Choy”, by Jeanne Yu. I was kind of looking for a poem about the Chinese New Year / Lunar New Year, but couldn’t find one that felt just right. In this poem, Jeanne Yu considers both culture and generational differences.  You can see the poem online at: https://www.rattle.com/among-the-baby-bok-choy-by-jeanne-yu/ .

As always, join our friendly discussions by going to our UUSS website at uuss.org/online on Monday and entering the same way you would attend a live streaming Zoom Sunday service.


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  2 Responses to “Reading, Responding to Poetry: Monday the 20th”

  1. Hi! When is the next poetry event? Are we able to share poetry that we have written?

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