Feb 262021
February 26, 2021
Reflecting on Poetry with JoAnn, Mon. March 1
Posted by Judy Lane
Posted on February 26, 2021
Monday, March 1, 10:00 a.m. at this zoom link. 1st & 3rd Mondays of each month, “Reading & Reflecting on Poetry with JoAnn Anglin”. For our next poetry gathering, Lectio Divina, we will consider the poem One Art, by Elizabeth Bishop. This poem about loss can be found online at this link among other places.
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2 Responses to “Reflecting on Poetry with JoAnn, Mon. March 1”
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I’m sorry you couldn’t connect! The difficulty might possibly be that the website does not allow linkage directly from the post on the front page, but only from within the full article. The words “at this zoom link” appear on the front page, but there is no live link under the words. Once you open the full article, the words “zoom link” there give live access to Zoom. That’s my best guess, but I’m never positive about tech things!
I was able to get the 2 poems,
but was not able to connect to the Zoom meeting
Jack K