May 252022
 May 25, 2022

UUism: “Trying Once Again to Say Who We Are”

Posted by Judy Lane

Posted on May 25, 2022

Jay_AtkinsonPlan to come to a Sunday Forum with Rev. Dr. Jay Atkinson & Rev. Roger on Sunday, June 5, 2022 after the service. We will meet at 11:50 a.m. in the Fahs Classroom, or you could view the forum on UUSS Zoom at    So — why do we need to re-define who we are?

UUs affirm and promote a set of ethical Principles, and celebrate the spiritual Sources of our heritage and our evolving identity.  Are you curious about the UU Principles and how they might evolve?

The UUA Principles are once again up for revision with a commission charged to study them and propose updates to Article II of the UUA bylaws.  Why “principles”?  Why not values, or covenants, or commitments?  And where do our present UUA principles come from?  Jay Atkinson will offer a historical look at all this and raise some questions about what’s transient and what’s permanent in the identity of our UU tradition.

About our Guest: Now an active and prolific scholar of religious history (and a leader of tours to Unitarian heritage sites in Poland, along with Rev. Roger), Jay formerly was the minister at UU congregations in Studio City (where he’s minister emeritus), Davis, and Sioux City (Iowa)

Everyone is welcome to this event, and there will be snacks of the granola-bar type. There is no charge, although free will donations are helpful to support our programs. Mask-wearing required in the Fahs Room, so please pull it back up between sips of your coffee.


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