Mar 072021
 March 7, 2021

Wellspring Wednesday, Mar. 10: Life Stories of our Elders

Posted by Judy Lane

Posted on March 7, 2021

Each Wednesday at 7:00 p.m., your ministers host a gathering called Wellspring Wednesday in the UUSS Zoom room. Each week of the month will focus on a specific theme. Join us for discussion, connection and learning together.

    • Second Wednesday, “Life Stories of our Elders”.

March 10: Special UU guest to be interviewed by Rev. Roger.

    • Third Wednesday, “Minister’s Class: Theologies”.

March 17: Rev. Lucy leads a session on theology tonight.

    • Fourth Wednesday, “Exploring UUism” — rotating topics about Unitarian Universalism, of interest to newcomers and long-timers.

March 24: What Faith means to a UU.

  • Fifth Wednesday, March 31 – Be surprised with Rev Lucy (or suggest a topic!)

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  One Response to “Wellspring Wednesday, Mar. 10: Life Stories of our Elders”

  1. I am excited and honored that our featured elder this month will be Frankie Crawford! She has been a UUSS member several years and is much loved around here. She’s written a lot of poetry and has been painting frequently too. See you at Wellspring Wednesday!

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