Mar 142023
 March 14, 2023

March Message from the Board

Posted by Victoria Owens

Posted on March 14, 2023

Your elected Board of Trustees meets monthly. Our next meeting will be Thursday, March 23 at 6:30 pm. Our meeting takes place in person in the UUSS library and on Zoom. You are welcome to join us either in person or by accessing the same Zoom link as the one used for the Sunday morning services. The agenda will be posted in advance of the meeting.

We think it is very important to keep the congregation updated about current and upcoming conversations. The Board’s role is to oversee issues of UUSS finances, facilities, personnel, and long-range planning; it makes decisions on policies rather than management decisions. You can find more information about the Board and read the minutes and treasurer’s report here:

 Information from the February Board Meeting

●      LEADERSHIP RECEPTION: President Anara Guard thanked the Program Council, Tina Chiginsky and all who worked on our first leadership reception, held on 2/12/23.  Over 30 people attended, of which 10 were new to UUSS.

●      SAFETY COMMITTEE: The Board of Trustees (BOT) continued discussion on forming a new safety committee. There was no vote, but the BOT affirmed that committee members should be part of the UUSS community, but do not necessarily need to be members.  The committee chair(s) must be members.

●      ENDOWMENT TRUST COMMITTEE:  Denis Edgren reported on the status of the loan from the Endowment. The current loan agreement expires in 2024. The Endowment Committee, with input from the BOT, is considering how the payments should be restructured at that time to ensure UUSS continues to repay the loan.

●      STAFF COMPENSATION: The UUSS BOT recommended ministers/supervisors and the UUSS Finance Committee consider a 5% to 7% wage increase for UUSS staff in the 2023-24 budget.  The ability to meet this recommendation will be based on the success of the annual stewardship campaign.

●      TREASURER’S REPORT: UUSS is in good financial shape.  Please go to the website for details.

●      MINISTER’S REPORT:  Roger reported Lucy is recovering well and plans to be back on March 1.

●      ARTICLE II:  Sally Wilkins and Karen Gunderson are working with Roger and Lucy to educate our membership about the upcoming changes to Article II of the UUA Bylaws and Rules by holding monthly workshops through June.  Article II of the UUA Bylaws lists the UU Principles and Purposes.

●      GENERAL ASSEMBLY: The BOT voted to reimburse the cost of online or in-person registration for up to eight members who sign up to be delegates.  The money will be paid from the Heritage Fund.

●      PARKING LOT: The BOT voted to approve allocating $22,182 of bequest funds to prep and seal coat the parking lot per a bid obtained by the Administrative and Property Management Committee.

Leadership Opportunities  

The BOT, Sally Wilkins and Karen Gunderson are in the process of identifying potential delegates for General Assembly, which will be held in June, 2023. There will be a Watch Party at UUSS where people can watch General Assembly online. Roger & Lucy will also help to identify candidates for June Watch Party.

To contact the Board:

Most Sincerely,

UUSS Board of Trustees

Board Members

Anara Guard, President
Denis Edgren, Vice President
Victoria Owens, Treasurer
Frances Myers, Secretary
Hally Cahssai, Member At Large
Susan Davis-James, Member At Large
Marilyn Reynolds, Member At Large
Jed Shapiro, Member At Large
Sally Wilkins, Member At Large

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