September 28 Board Meeting Update
Posted by Victoria Owens
Posted on October 14, 2023
Your elected Board of Trustees meets monthly, The next meeting is on Thursday, October 26th at 6:30 pm. You are welcome to join us in the UUSS library or on Zoom. The agenda will be available at Agendas.
We respect the importance of keeping the congregation up to date on current and upcoming conversations. UUSS’ Constitution establishes a Board that makes policy decisions and oversees long-range planning. Ultimately UUSS governing authority is vested in our congregation who meet semi-annually in October and May. More Board information, meeting minutes and treasurer’s reports are at
Board Continues to Invest in Our Church Home
The Board approved and funded moving ahead with the Meadow Project Phase 3. This phase will install clover ground cover in the meadow. This is the last phase of the Meadow Project.
The board also approved funds to trim the Valley Oaks and other trees on church property.
The fall Congregational Meeting takes place October 22 after the service, both in-person and on Zoom. The meeting will present the slate of six community partners for 2024. Voting will commence online after the meeting and all members are encouraged to vote. Elected partners receive half of the Sunday offerings collected over one month. Be sure to attend the meeting to learn more about the slate and how to vote.
To contact the Board:
Most Sincerely,
UUSS Board of Trustees
Board Members
Anara Guard, President
Denis Edgren, Vice President
Victoria Owens, Treasurer
Lisa Dahlquist, Secretary
Hally Cahssai, Member at Large
Susan Davis-James, Member at Large
Leanna Pierson, Member at Large
Jed Shapiro, Member at Large
Sally Wilkins, Member at Large
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